Tuesday, 15 November 2011

the chords ,

sory guys , lupe nk bg kord untuk lagu tu ,
so , here they are , 

                Dm                              G
kau cinta , seumur hidup ku ,
     C            F     
tak bisa tuk ku lepaskan ,
   G            Dm     
walau hati dan cinta mu ,
tak lagi untuk ku ,

      Dm          G   
meski kau tlah mninggalkan ku ,
    C          F 
ku mahu kau merasakan ,
   G          Dm  
perasaan dan kasihku ,
   Am         Dm
untukmu selamanya ,,,

there's the chords ,
untuk verse , gune Am laa ,
but depends on the lyrics gk ,
tolong yee , at least dpt gk merase wt lagu sendiri an ,
haa ,

Best of luck fellas !
thnx ,

pett ,

need your help !!

hello bloggers !

i have a favor to ask you , 
camni , aku ade tulis lagu , tapi xdapat nak siapkan , 
dh xde ilham , dapat cket je , hmm , 
so , aku ingat nk mintak tolong korangla ciapkan lagu ni , 
chorusnye dh dpt , cume xde ilham nk wt lirik untuk bridge , verse ,
dh ciap nty aku nyanyi , record and publish untuk korang keyh ,

Sinopsis  ;

okee , lagu ni tentang sorg lelaki yg ditinggalkan kekasihnye disebabkan kecuaian die sendiri ,
die curang , kantoi ngn awek die , then awek die pn blah , 
pastu baru la die sedar betapa bermakna nye awek die tu , 
betapa sayang nye die kat awek die tu , 
so , die nak mintak maaf and terpakse gak la lepaskan awek die tu ,
die ngaku die salah ,
tapi die nak awek die tau yg die betol2 nyesal and sayang ngt kt awek die , 
camtula sinopsis nye ,
  *lagu ni agak slow

ni chorus untuk lagu ni , korang tambah2 la cket , pastu lau ade opinion bgtau la keyh , 

kau cinta , seumur hidup ku ,
tak bisa tuk ku lepaskan , 
walau hati dan cinta mu ,
tak lagi untuk ku ,

meski kau tlah mningglkan ku , 
ku mahu kau merasakan , 
perasaan dan kasihku , 
untukmu selamanya ,,,

haa , sampai sini je dapat , so , hope ngt korg dapat tolong , 
nty aku nyanyi untuk korg , 
amacam ?
hee , thnx eyh !

bye bye ,

pett ,

Monday, 14 November 2011


Glitter Graphics

sorry blogger , xdpt nk follow korang sume lagi ,
kat sini line agak slow , plus , skg agk bz ,
so , keep following , shouting and i'll follow u back soon ,
btw , da follow some blogs da ,
be patient ,
and thnx a lot untuk sume teguran eyh ,
i'll fix it soon ,
thnx ,

pett ,
I'm thinking ,

Katy Perry  ,
Thinking of you ,

Comparisons are easily done
Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree  
I picked the ripest one, I still got the seed

You said move on, where do I go?  
I guess second best is all I will know

'Cause when I'm with him 
I am thinking of you  
(Thinking of you, thinking of you)  
Thinking of you, what you would do
 If you were the one who was spending the night
(Spending the night, spending the night)
Oh, I wish that I was looking into your eyes

You're like an Indian Summer in the middle of winter  
Like a hard candy with a surprise center
How do I get better once I've had the best?  
You said there's tons of fish in the water, so the waters I will test

He kissed my lips, I taste your mouth, oh!  
(Taste your mouth)  
He pulled me in, I was disgusted with myself
'Cause when I'm with him 
I am thinking of you  
(Thinking of you, thinking of you)
Thinking of you, what you would do  
If you were the one who was spending the night
(Spending the night, spending the night)
Oh, I wish that I was looking into

You're the best, and yes, I do regret   
How I could let myself let you go  
Now, now the lesson's learned I touched it, 
I was burned Oh, I think you should know!

'Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you
(Thinking of you, thinking of you)
Thinking of you, what you would do  
If you were the one who was spending the night
(Spending the night, spending the night)  
Oh, I wish that I was looking into your, your eyes  
Looking into your eyes, looking into your eyes

Oh, won't you walk through?
And bust in the door and take me away?
Oh, no more mistakes
'Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay, stay

Bez gilerrr lagu ni ,
Lirik yg menyentuh kalbu :)

pett , 

Pett the Bassist ,

Hye !
Lame x berblues an ? haha
Bz cket la skg , tlg member kat kedai makan die ,
Nak dtg ?
Leh aje , lau g Kuantan Parade , singgah la kat Warna Warna Cafe ,
Jumaat sabtu ngn ahad je aku ade keyh , huhu

So , untuk arini aku nak cite sal band aku ,
Haa , aku ade band aw , the band is Chaps Jr. korang msty xpenah dgr an ?
Coz band ni baru lagi , bg yg tau kewujudan band aku ni msty dh penah tgk show kitorg ,
      *chaps jr. is local mainstream band

Bla bla bla ,
I play bassist in this band ,
And im damn good , :)
Awal bilan lepas kitorg play theater kat panggung DBKL ,
Korang punye pasal aku tunjuk la pic aku keyh , ni ha ,


Haa , ni bukan telelap aw , ni namenye solo bass , amacam ? Gempak x ? 
Please dont be jelous !

Ni lak muke kene lanyak ngn kek pas abeh show tuh , xpasal2 jadik mangse , 
tgk belakang tuh sume da berterabur da lari , haish~

Aku letak dua pic je , letak banyak2 kang org cakap nak cari publisiti murahan lak , hahaha
Pape pun , this would be the best moment of my life ! 
For your information , this is the 3rd biggest theater produced by dbkl aw !
Sambutan mmg sgt menarik ah , 
Gempak abess ! huhuhu

End of story ,
Ni laa ape yg aku idamkan dari aku mule2 belajar maen gitar , 
Alhamdulillah , tercapai , 
How about yours ???

pett ,

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Actually im a rocker ,

sebenarnye aku ni nmpak je cm jiwang gtu , but ,in a ROCKER ! huhuhuh
ketara sgt la perbezan antara luar and dalam diri aku nih , 
xcaye ? tgk ni ,

Yeeeaaaahhh ! haa , rock x ? ahhahaha

Ni lak pic lam studio , ngn amer , my vocalist , power ouh sore die ,

tu jela keyh ,
sje nk promote pic , hahaha
okee ,

pett ,

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

jiwang ,

ayat2 cinta ni sebenarnya menarik , dtg dari hati kite sendiri , ade gak org yg cakap jiwang la ape an ,
tp sebenarnya lam diri semua org , msty ade gk sifat romantik , lau dh romantik msty la wujud gk ayat2 cinta ni an , lau x , cmne sorg laki nk ngorat ppuan , tol x ?
agpun , ayat2 cmni membuatkan hubungan pasangan jd lebih close gtu , kn ??
hahahha , arini pretending to be counselor , hahahaha ,
ni haa ayat jiwang , amekaw ! huhuh

okee ,
bye bye !

pett ,

Monday, 7 November 2011

sedang mencipta lagu ,

almost done ,

pett ,

pett ,

this is about me , 
sometimes , aku terfikir aku ni jenis orang yg cmne ek ,
ape orang fkir sal aku ?
takut gk an , ane tau ade org xsuke aku , 
time ngn kwn2 dok gelak2 , hpy2 , 
time dok sorang msty terfikir , ape yg aku wt , 
ape yg aku ckp , org leh terime or x , 
satu lg , aku ni lak jnis yg berfikir panjang , 
jauh beribu batu gtu , huu
then , suke kaji org laen , 
tgk je ape org wt , pstu describe sndri , hhuhu
thats not stalking rite ? 

hmm , 
xsempat nk cte pnjang2 , 
mate dh ngtuk sgt dh ni , 
tdo laa pe ag , 
bye !

pett ,

karaoke , jamming

 for ur information , 
aku ni mmg minat giler ngn music , asal free je msty nk jamming , xpun karaoke ,
yg best nye , time jam , msty maen lagu2 rock , tp bile karaoke lak terus nynyi lagu2 indon , slow2 punye lagu gitu , haa , 
bukan ape , orang lau minat minat ngt music ni mmg cmni , xkre ape2 genre pn sume bedal , heheh
ni ade pic time jam , dan2 je snap ,tp 1 jelaa , heheh

yeeeaaahhhh ! aku maen bass time ni , amacam ? rock x ? hahahah

okee , got to go ,
bye !

pett ,

Sunday, 6 November 2011

what about this song ?

Ost selamat pagi cinta , xde ape2 pn ngn lagu ni , juz its inspire me to write , 
I love musics ,
I love to write , 

pett ,

Magic show ,

asal hari raye je msty ade magic show , ape kne mngene magic ngn raye ?
pelik2 je an , cm dh xde hiburan sgt dh , 
magic tu pn bkn betul pn , tipu je , name pn silap mate , so , mate kite jela yg tersilap tengok an , 
erm , pape pn raye ni aku xkua kot , xtau nk g mane , plan nk g sembelih lembu ,
skaly kne tinggal la plak , bangun lambat , solat raye pn xsempat g , adoiyaii ,
so , sesi arini adalah MENGHABISKAN MAKANAN KAT UMAH ! hahahha
okee fellas !
chow !

pett ,

Done designing !

Erm , ciap design blog aku , dh hampir subuh dh , tp cam ade lg yg xcukup je ,
Xpela , ni je yg aku mmpu wat , janji oke dh cukup , hee ,
Got to go , ngantok giler ,
Bye !

Pett ,

Salam Aidiladha !

Dh raye dh , heheh , penat tol arini , mcm2 keje nk kne wat , 
Cat  umah la ape an , nasib baek semangat raye tu kuat , huhu ,
Btw , arini ari kedua aku update blog ni , seronok gk blogging an , pling x , ade gk something nk di buat , 
Walaupun aku xtau if theres somebody out there or not , yg bace blog aku ni , 
Xkesah la , agpun blog ni mmg satu dunia pn leh bace an , 
It's oke , 
Mmg bnyk yg aku nk share ngn korang sal hidup aku yg agak complicated ni ,
So , keep spying and u'll know something maybe kind of weird , funny or else about myself ,

Pett ,

Saturday, 5 November 2011

The 1st entry ,

Blog belum ciap sepenuhnya , walaupun simple je , blog ni aku create sebagai jurnal hari2 aku , 
The thing is , selagi xde noktah , selagi tu la jurnal ni xde endingnye ,
This would be my only treasure ,

Pett ,